Friday, June 20, 2008

Camp Rock Review

Camp Rock, the next High School Musical? I think not, it probably doesn't appeal to such a wide audience as HSM did, however I thought it really ROCKED. I'm hoping Disney doesn't turn this into another money maker like they did HSM. But I hafta admit it would be totally awesome if they had a Camp Rock on Ice.. I would totally be Mitchie. :] It was as I expected to be, yet I thought Nick and Kevin would show up a bit more and for some reason I thought when they performed as Connect 3 it was in the beginning (it seemed that way because that was how they cut the preview probably). Anywho. Yeah I will probably watch it again and again and again. xD I think this movie most likely wouldn't have been quite as popular if it didn't have the Jonas Brothers in it. So they were kinda the thing in the movie that drew in viewers. But, now to think of it I don't think I could imagine this movie with out them. :\ From watching this movie I'm inspired to take up my guitar and play more often again.. with the AMP loud. :P I mean I have been playing once in awhile.. BACH. So I shall depart now and check how the rest of the internet felt about it.. So far everyone likes it better than HSM. High School Musical probably is going to loose money because of this movie, however Disney will be gaining what they had lost from HSM from CR. So alls good. I'm leaving now. Go home. Reviews Over. :]
P.S. Through the review I tried to sound professional so now that its over I can act like a crazed fan:

1 comment:

Tatiana said...

lol love the ending!!!!