Monday, May 12, 2008


Stick it to the man! The rhyme and reasoning of rock and roll. No, it is not just an excuse to make lots of loud noises while dancing around like a blathering idiot. It has a purpose, a purpose holding the meaning of rebellion. heheh. Ok, that idea wasn't really my words. I had watched School of Rock over the weekend. lol. For those who have seen it you'll get what I mean. Those who haven't, to bad for you. GO WATCH IT! xD What made me think of that was because yesterday I was at the warehouse with my dad helping him pool a show (well sorta a lot of the time I rode around on carts and this really big and cool jack on wheels!) and I got him to loan me a cord for my AMP and guitar. Well, when I got home I rolled it out and it was like 10 feet+ and then I hooked it up to my guitar and it turns out it will only work if the level on my AMP is turned on high and everythings on overdrive so I probably will wait till my moms out of town to use it. :]
I'm leaving now. Because I wanna play around on Marapets for awhile, finish A Wrinkle in Time, take a bath, then watch Dancing with the Stars. Yes, I know my life is exciting. xD
Go away. Leave me! Thoust leave me,you cream faced loon!! haha. BYE.


Anna said...

Gosh, are we really RELATED? How is this possible? Could you give me sarcasm lessons? JK.

School of Rock is hilarious. Jack Black is great...I WANT to see Kung Fu Panda. Looks FUNNY. Very exciting....dude, YOU are funny. Hilarious even. maybe. sorta. a little bit.

Sorry, you are a gremlin (bad influence) on me, and now I"m sounding like YOU!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! Just wait till I come for like two weeks this summer! Let see how much of a gremlin I am then! :]