Monday, May 5, 2008

sO cLoSe YeT sO fAr!!

One is probably wondering what the heck I am talking about so I'm going to tell you. School (my outside classes) are almost OVER!! My writing class ends next monday and my biology class ends May 21rst. So not to much longer. :] However, I do have math and Geography to finish up. Blah. So at the moment I'm reading a book// well not RIGHT NOW obviously but later I will be. I've been reading Twilight by Stephanie Meyers. A-Koi lent it to me and practically threatened my life if I didn't read it. I've heard that from lots of people that it was good. It's about a girl, Bella, who goes and lives with her dad and is going to school there and meets this mysterious dude that happens to be a vampire. Blah, blah, blah, She falls in love with them and vice versa, however the cannot be together *sniff* [sarcasm] because she may end up being his dinner. :] So rite now where i am in the book she's in hiding from a bad vampire trying to make her a snack. Very interesting. I know a lot more about vampires now. I never really knew that much because I usually read a little bit more classic fantasies, and in Harry Potter there was no real talk about them. And there are none in spiderwick. and the only other book i can think of with vampires in it is Dracula.. oh and this other series I'd like to read called The Blue Bloods yep, it has vampires... dur just read the title and you can kinda tell and because the last 10 sentences i was talking about them. :] OK, i'm leaving because I want to. Shoo! Go away! Stop reading! Blah! If you know what I just typed your still reading!! =O

P.S. You better not still be here!
P.S.S. BTW I don't get the apple on the cover. Yeah that pic up there is a pic of the cover but the lil heart thingy isn't on it. This was the only pic I could find with out weird photoshopped things on it. 0_o

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