Saturday, May 17, 2008


Yay! One of meh buds is coming to sleepover tonight! She should be here like around.. 5-5:30 so I have some time to kill. :] What the hold up is that she went to go see Prince Caspian before her mom is dropping here off at my house.Yeah, she went to see it with out me *sniff* Jk. Well I was thinking of ideas of stuff we can do. :\ We already have planned to go TP Anna K.'s house [if your reading this, Anna K.: HA HA], and I was thinking we could make a youtube video and try to go up against Miley&Mandy and Selena&Demi and become FAMOUS! :D The plans aren't fully set out yet, but I think we could take them. Personally, I think Selena and demi's show is a whole lot better than Miley and Mandys BY A LONG SHOT. S&D's is better because they hav actual conversations, unlike M&M (haha candy) who jump around screaming and laughing. Plus, I like Selena and Demi more they are better actresses and Singers. :] OK, so far I killed hmm lets see 6 minutes! :D 90 more to go. *sigh* I think I may play a game or maybe I read you know... Naw I'm going to watch a movie... either The Prestiege or the Illusionist,.. wait Open Season rocks! Nope, I'm just gonna watch weird youtube videos. Bye!

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