Tuesday, May 6, 2008

GuEsS wHaT!!

So I'm guessing you wanna know the "guess what". Well sorry there isn't one. I just do that to get peoples attention. HA HA. I like doing that. That is only one out of many things I IM when a person is ignoring me by playing games and stuff instead of IMing me back. Another one is "I Like Someone" and its hilarious! They are like "OMG WHO?!" I'm like "Buster" they reply with a "Whos dat?" "My puppy. :] Heheheheh Got your attention didn't I?" Its hilarious.. hm lemme think what else I do that irritates.. OH yeah keep IMing until they tell you to stop and then I threaten not to do it until they start IMing back. Oh, and my personal favorite, type everything backwards! Now I know it takes awhile but its fun! Another one which I hate that I influenced this.. I started typing in pig-latin. UGH. I did this once and then for like a week A-KOI (yeah it was her) won't stop IMing, Txting, and calling me in piglatin.. I blocked her for a day just to see if she would notice.. she never got on that day. To bad it would have been funny. :] Later, I hafta go and work on Sock Monkey because Anna is out of town. Grr.
P.S. That pic is some random one that someone sent in a forward to me. It looks like the cat got into the coffee beans again. xD

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