Monday, September 29, 2008


Okay, for Chemistry today I was copying down all the elements and stuff when I came across one called Krypton. So I rushed to my mom asking her if there was any way it was related to Kryptonite. She didn't know. So when I had finished school I looked online to see if there was a connection. As I scrolled down at the beginning of the paragraph it said "Even though Superman's home planet, Krypton, shares the same name as the element Krypton there is absolutely NO connection." I was soooo disappointed. :[ I thought it would be awesome to study about Kryptonite, Superman's only weakness so then when I plot world domination I could use it against him easily!! MWHAHHAHAHAHA!!! Ooops did I say that out loud?? O_O jk

Also did you know there is all sorts of different colored Kryptonite in the comic books!! But its only the Green that affects Superman. There's pink, blue, jewel, red, green, heliotrope... :] Anyway I thought that was sorta interesting. The sad thing about it was I knew who all the super hero's and villain's were they were talking about!! :O Well I better go now! BTW Check out my new blog: !!!!