Thursday, January 28, 2010

PSAT Survival Guide??

Last Saturday I spent most of my day at a random library in the middle of nowhere taking the PSAT. The questions were fairly easily, but it was just a very looooonnnggg test. Here is my survival guide for taking the PSAT, SAT, or any kind of test that your future depends on.

1) What To Wear.

Pants that are comfortable to sit in- for extended periods of time (not sweatpants though.. thats sloppy).
Hoodie, because for some reason they put a giant fan in the room that you are in, trying to freeze you out! Wait.. maybe that was a distraction test.. hmm.. >.> Well bring a hoodie anyways!
And where ANYTHING thats lucky. Lucky sneakers, bracelet, necklace, hoodie.. whatever works. I don't care if your superstitious or not just wear them anyway.

2) When You Get There.

You should always wear glasses of some sort.. even if you don't need them! :O They make you look really intelligent and make other kids nervous. >:)

3) Where to Sit.

Sometimes there is assigned seating, and there's nothing you can do about it. However, if there isn't take this to heart: NEVER SIT IN THE VERY BACK. Why not sit in the very back, you ask? In todays culture it is common for girls to wear low cut jeans/pants and guys to just let there pants droop everywhere. But most people don't realize this, but when they sit down people behind them get the FULL VIEW OF EVERYTHING. My eyes were burning. I swear i think nearly everyone was "cracking a smile" at me. 0_0

4) Taking the Test.

Okay this is actually the easiest part of the experience.. and the most fun. XD UNLESS you happen to be very good at taking tests and you finish 10-15 minutes before the timer is up. >.<>

5) During break time.

Bring a very large hard to read novel or book for some "light reading" to intimidate your fellow test takers. Or you can pull out a notebook and start drawing out a plan that looks similar to the "Italian Job" (bank robbers) and when people look over you shoulder to see what you doing, hiss and say that they mustn't know or you are going to hafta kill them.

6) The Test Is Finally Finished
Thankfully, if you finish the test before the time's up you can leave, and not wait for everyone else to finish. XP Then to get all the energy that was stored up after the 3 hour long test, burst out of the building screaming "FREEDOMMMM!!" :) Then run around doing the chicken dance.

PSAT Survival Guide: Part 2

1) Listening To The Princeton Review
Okay, when you come back to get your scores you usually hafta sit there for about an hour listening to some Princeton Review representative talk about its okay if you fail because its one stinkin test.. blah blah blah... >.<>

2) *scary music* SCORES
Okay just to be clear, its okay if you don't do that great, because most likely you went into this test cold and didn't have a clue what was going to be on it. Even if you didn't do great simply mutter to yourself loud enough for your neighbor next to you "Dang it, i didn't make my goal of 2400 points by 200 points :/". Just to intimidate them... its especially funny if they thought they did good and they only got 1500.. XD.

Leave casually, then go show parents scores. But before you leave say out loud nonchalantly- "Not bad for doing this in my sleep". Thats pretty much it. XD

Leave a comment telling me what you think of my little PSAT survival guide that i threw together for ya'll.. I'll probably add on to it later on.


Anna said...

HAHAHAHA!!!! You do have your days, my friend.

Thanks for the tips. I'll have to remember all of this stuff for when I go take mine.

Anna said...

oh shoot, forgot to suscribe.

Mikaela said...

bahahah i thought you might enjoy this :)