Friday, December 19, 2008

You Know You Live in 2008 When..


-u type:
--with acronyms[lol, lmfao, btw, pc4pc, ily, etc.]
--all stupid where eVeRy oThEr LeTtEr Is CaPiTaLiZeD lIkE tHiS
--u dont spell everything out[u, cuz, b4, 2(as to/too)ur wat/wut sum(as some) etc.]

-5th graders are trippng out cause they dont have a phone

-people say things like OMG instead of oh my gosh

-people say things like "that was steamy", "sick with it", "fetch"

-you start tripping out over how old you are cause some of the best songs came out when you were 6

-you are plugged into your iPod and texting 24/7

-you go to a middle school dance and every one is freaking and calling it dancing

-your always logged on to myspace

-your on the computer at 12:35 am and hoping you mom wont catch you [guilty lol]

-you have a phone that has a touch screen and/or qwerty keyboard

-you think about how much you want to go back to elementary school

-no one says:
--talk to the hand
--not at the end of everything
--why dont you marry it lol

-you are criticized for liking the jonas brothers, miley cyrus, or any other disney or nickelodeon person

-every pic you take is uploaded online somewhere

-you feel like the world will come to an end if you dont go online everyday

-you laugh when teachers tell you to turn your phone off during school

-everyone in class is listening to an iPod

-adults say or do something they think is cool and kids just look at them like what are you doing?

-or kids say something and adults have no clue what they mean

-the most exercise you get if walking from class to class, PE, and walking around your house in search of food

-you constantly have to use spell check to make sure everything is spelled right

-you see commercials about stupid things you dont really need
--example there was one about a blanket that you can wear, like put your arms in and dont need that if your really that cold then put on a jacket
I mean its not rocket science guys

-you dont keep in touch with someone cause they dont have text or a myspace

-you rather watch the movie rather than read the book

-most songs repeat the same things over and over amd have almost no meaning

-your 15 and get criticized for watching cartoons, and "kids" shows

-when you miss the old nick and disney channel shows

-you say or do anything that has to do with the 80's or 90's and your 11 year old sister looks at you like your on something

-people are saying that all new disney channel and nick shows are whack, and compare them to another shows/movies

-you look at these things and laugh, and nod your head

I found this on the internet and I thought it was funny. :3 Most of this stuff is true!! I am listening to my ipod and txting right now! XD

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